Tuesday, May 17, 2011

♡ FASHION ♡ Future Heretics Fall 2011 Collection

I've recently had the honor to get involved with the amazing collection called Future Heretics. Check them out. Their main man is Bryden Lando and he is a total legend. He dresses me in all their sic new gear everytime I run downtown to their manufacturer and I'm super excited to tell you all more hopefully in the future about just how amazing Future Heretics rocks.



Hey everybody! I've been on a hiatus getting my collection together and WOW! It's all so exciting. So I'm going to reformat my blog because it's gotten a bit too random for my organization obsessed self. ... Here's the plan. We have 4 things I like to talk about; FASHION, TRAVEL, MODELING, & MUSIC/EVENTS. There will of course be more things to talk about but I will try to categorize so that you can get to what your interests are, easier. I will most likely be reporting on all of these topics through my Examiner.com platform so I want to make sure all the little tidbits I don't publish there still get  to you guys. I will put a title first of one of the above topics to make it all a bit easier. Let's begin :) And thanks for all being so patient with my writing. It's been wild 6 months getting settled back into the one and only California lifestyle.

Mel Rose